Save 16+ hours building your next Ruby on Rails app.

Skip wasting time building boilerplate for authentication, billing & passwords resets. You could be shipping today instead, with the Ruby on Rails template that nails the bullsh*t.

Loved by 78+ developers.

@finished_at = "3:03PM" + 2.hours

Ship today, save 16+ hours along the way.

Billing & Subscriptions (6 hours)

Billing integrations for Stripe and Paddle, including generating checkout links, tracking subscription status on a User, and handling webhooks.

Login, OAuth & Password Resets (4 hours)

Authentication handled by a full Devise installation, including email/password login, OAuth with Google and Github, and password resets.

Background Jobs (1 hour)

Sidekiq and Redis configured for background job processing, including a password-protected Sidekiq web dashboard.

Deployment (2 hours)

Configured out of the box to deploy to Heroku, Hatchbox and Render. With minor tweaks, you can deploy this template to most other platforms (including self-hosted).

Tests (1 hour)

Choose between Minitest and RSpec for your tests (this template is configured with both), and use the existing tests as a starting point for your own.

Extras (2 hours)

SEO tag helpers, setup scripts, OpenGraph images and custom fonts all included to help you launch faster.

Don't get stuck. Read the docs.

I've spent hours crafting detailed documentation↗ to help you never get stuck and launch ASAP. Start by watching the intro video below ↓

Best-in-class documentation —
Like reading? You'll never get stuck, with best-in-class docs that cover everything in this template. Read the docs →
Continuously edited —
I regularly update the docs to keep them fresh. You can even suggest improvements to the docs in the private GitHub repository.
Get help —
Docs aren't enough? Email the developer (me!) directly and I'll do my best to answer whatever you throw at me.

The starter kit you'll keep coming back to.

This isn't just a starter kit you'll use once. This is a Ruby on Rails template you'll keep coming back to, project after project. You'll come for the core features (payments, authentication and deployment), but you'll stay for the small things —

Your code, your rules.

You get direct access to the code via a private GitHub repository, which you can clone, tweak, edit and personalize.

Not the whole kitchen sink.

This template is simple, by design! It sticks to a small set of defaults that make sense no matter what you're building.

Get stuck? There's docs to help.

This starter kit's documentation is extensive and continuously improving based on customer feedback (including yours!)

Bug fixes & improvements.

This template will continue to get bug fixes and improvements, which you can merge directly into your code.

Generous licensing.

Our licensing permits you to use this template in an unlimited number of personal or client projects (subject to the full license terms).

Starter Kit+

If you purchase all-access, or have access to the mailer components, you'll also get access to Starter Kit+. It includes a custom password-reset email based on the ActionMailer template library.

start building today

Buy once, own forever.

Get all current and future RailsNotes UI content, or just the Ruby on Rails Starter Kit. All for a simple, one-time price.


$49 $37 USD

Get lifetime access to this Ruby on Rails Starter Kit and save 16+ hours shipping your next app, Saas or side-project.

  • Save 16+ hours of development time
  • Payments, Authentication and more already built
  • Detailed documentation and videos
  • Free updates + bug fixes
  • One-time purchase
Purchase Basic Access →

All Access

$99 $67 USD

Get lifetime access to all current and future RailsNotes UI components, including this Ruby on Rails Starter Kit.

  • Everything in Basic (Starter Kit access)
  • Starter Kit+ access
  • RailsNotes UI ActionMailer templates & components (40+ email components & 12+ email templates)
  • All future RailsNotes UI content
  • One-time purchase
  • Say a big thank you to the developer
Learn more about All Access →

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Frequently asked questions

If you have any other questions, email us.